Embark on a journey to the magical wonders of Haitises and Cayo Levantado, where nature’s beauty and tropical paradise meet in harmony!
Exploring El Parque Nacional Los Haitises
Welcome to El Parque Nacional Los Haitises, a mystical national park located in Samaná, Dominican Republic. This ecological marvel captivates with its lush mangrove forests, towering limestone formations, and hidden caves adorned with ancient Taino Indian petroglyphs. Board a boat and venture through winding waterways, where you’ll be enchanted by the diverse wildlife that calls this sanctuary home. Keep your eyes peeled for vibrant birdlife, including herons, egrets, and the distinctive Cigua Palmera, the country’s national bird. Immerse yourself in the serenity of this natural wonder and let the park’s enchanting aura wash over you.
Cayo Levantado: Bacardi Island Revisited
As you bid farewell to Haitises, set course for Cayo Levantado, an enchanting islet affectionately known as Bacardi Island. This tropical gem invites you to unwind on its palm-fringed beaches, bask in the sun’s warm embrace, and cool off in the crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean Sea. The island’s allure is only matched by its biodiversity, making it an ideal spot for snorkeling and discovering the vibrant marine life beneath the waves. Savor a sumptuous beachside lunch as you indulge in local culinary delights, perfectly complemented by the stunning coastal views.